Positive Manifestation

I describe myself as a positive person. I genuinely believe that you can transform your life with positive thinking. Whilst this concept lacks scientific support, if nothing else, you will certainly feel better for viewing life through a positive lens. Are you ready to dip into the world of woo woo?

So what is ‘Positive Manifestation’

Positive manifestation is a powerful concept that revolves around the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality. It is based on the principle that by focusing on positive intentions and affirmations, we can attract positive outcomes and enhance various aspects of our lives. Put simply, you get back what you put out.

Embracing this practice can lead to profound personal growth, increased self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life journey.

If you are surrounded by negativity, negative energy, negative comments they will consume your life and send you into a downward spiral.

At its core, positive manifestation is the process of channelling our thoughts, emotions, and energy towards creating a desired reality, i.e. something we want or the life we want to live. It is not just wishful thinking or a blind belief in miracles, it is a deliberate and conscious practice of aligning our thoughts and actions with the outcomes we desire. By adopting a positive mindset and visualising our goals as already achieved, we can effectively send signals to the universe, inviting positive energy and opportunities into our lives.

The concept of positive manifestation is closely connected to the law of attraction – the belief that like attracts like. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we emit a higher frequency of energy that resonates with similar vibrations in the universe. This, in turn, draws positive experiences and circumstances towards us.

Practicing positive manifestation involves several key steps

Set Clear Intentions

Start by clearly defining your desires and goals. What do you want to achieve? Be really specific and heartfelt about what you wish to manifest in your life. Whether it's a fulfilling career, better health, nurturing relationships, or inner peace, knowing what you want is crucial. If you’re not really clear you will find yourself meandering off the path.

Practice Visualisation

Create a mental image of yourself already achieving your goals. Feel the emotions associated with your success, as if you have already accomplished what you desire. Visualisation helps align your subconscious mind with your intentions. I remember reading somewhere once that suggested you should, “dress for the job you want, not for the job you have”. Now, I’ll caveat this by saying as I sit here today I don’t actually feel that what I wear impacts by ability to do a good job, but at the time and in the job I was in it really worked. I wanted to be a HR Business Partner and I was a HR Advisor. I started dressing super smart, I looked professional and I actually felt that it gave me the confidence I need to go and out perform in my role. I became the youngest person to be given a HR Business Partner role where I was working.

Use Positive Affirmations

Consistently repeat positive affirmations that reinforce your beliefs in achieving your goals. Affirmations are short, powerful statements that challenge negative thoughts and instill a positive mindset.

  • I am open to receiving all the prosperity and abundance that the universe has to offer.

  • I release all doubts and fears, embracing unwavering belief in my ability to manifest my dreams.

  • I am a magnet for success, attracting opportunities that align perfectly with my passions and purpose.

  • Each day, I am becoming more confident, courageous, and unstoppable in pursuing my goals.

  • My thoughts and intentions create my reality, and I am consciously choosing positivity and growth in every aspect of my life.

Remember, the power of positive affirmations lies in repeating them regularly with conviction and belief. Say them to yourself every day. Embrace these affirmations as guiding mantras, and witness the transformative impact they can have on your journey of positive manifestation.

Gratitude and Positivity

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and positivity in your daily life. Embrace optimism and focus on the good in every situation. Gratitude opens the door to more blessings and abundance. Be thankful for what you have in your life. I am grateful for so many thing in my life and I very often sit and think to myself about what I have achieved, the home I’m sitting in, my beautiful son, my health. There is so much positivity around me.

A few weeks ago I finished work at 5pm. I quickly made some dinner then I started dismantling my son’s single bed. His new double bed and he was super excited to get it built. By 9.30pm I was absolutely sweating, I was tired and I just didn’t have the strength in my hands to get the screws into the wood. I was becoming more and more agitated until I finally said “I’m done! The stupid bed is going to have to wait until tomorrow”. My son turned round and said to me, “but Mummy, look at the positives. We’ve taken the other bed down and we’ve got all this way. It won’t take long to finish it tomorrow”. He is 8 years old and a wise soul. Do you know, I instantly felt better. I let out a big sigh and said, you’re absolutely right. It wasn’t like me to be a moaning Minnie. He got my mindset back on track and all was good.

Let Go of Doubt

Release any doubts or limiting beliefs that may hinder your manifestation process. Trust in the process and have faith in your ability to manifest your dreams. I definitely know this is easier said that done. The human brain seems to prefer lingering on the negative thoughts that sneak in. When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and gently redirect your focus to positive affirmations and visualisations. Remember that it's natural for doubts to surface, but they don't define your reality and you can easily move back to being that positive person and creating that positive energy.

Additionally, patience and perseverance are key. Manifestation is not an instant fix; it requires consistent effort and belief. Trust the process, and remain committed to your positive intentions even in the face of setbacks.

Positive manifestation can transform various aspects of your life

Career and Success

By envisioning success and setting clear career goals, you can attract opportunities for growth, recognition, and achievement. What does your working life look like in 12 months time? In 3 years? In 5 years? Do you want to be your own boss, or work remotely 24/7, or be in a more senior role? Whatever you want, you can make it happen.


Cultivating positive intentions in your relationships can lead to deeper connections, understanding, and love with your partner, friends, and family. Proactively make time to see them, make them a priority in your life.

Health and Wellbeing

Manifesting good health and wellbeing can improve your physical and mental state, promoting a balanced and harmonious life. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve posted on LinkedIn that your mind is a powerful tool. Do you want to be healthier? Can you envision yourself looking better, feeling healthier? Then you have the power within you to make the choices to make your goals happen.

Abundance and Prosperity

Embracing an abundant mindset attracts financial opportunities and material abundance. You deserve success.

Inner Peace

Positive manifestation helps in letting go of negativity and embracing inner peace and harmony. No good can come from holding onto grudges, seeking revenge or harbouring negative feelings towards people or anything that has happened in the past.

Remember, the key lies in believing in yourself and your ability to create the life you desire. So, harness the power of positive manifestation, and watch as your dreams manifest into reality.


Children with Anxiety


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