Make life work for you

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We experience a lot of pressure from society. We know we need to eat healthily, we know we need to exercise, we want to have a perfectly tidy home, to have children that behave themselves, we are told that we should be a certain weight, society encourages us to look a certain way.

Life. Can. Be. Tough.

It is often a balancing act, filled with a whole host of responsibilities and commitments that can make it challenging to prioritise everything. Finding the time to prioritise personal wellbeing and selfcare can be difficult and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say it is easy to find excuses.

Is the key to all of this finding a way to embrace a more flexible and adaptable approach? Finding creative solutions that we can make life work for us?

In the last few years I have had no choice but to be incredibly flexible with my schedule, my commitments and any form of routine and honestly it’s been quite refreshing. With a son that is going to different sports clubs almost every day of the week, being a single Mum and working for a global business operating in a variety of time zones life can certainly be…..interesting!

Is it possible to create a fulfilling and balanced life that aligns with our individual needs and aspirations when we are juggling so many demands on our time.

Embrace the Power of Flexibility

When it comes to flexibility there are two scenarios. The first is that no day in the week is the same. If you take me as an example, one day I’m collecting my son from school at 4pm, the next day it’s 3pm, the following day I’m taking him to swimming at 6.45pm and the day after that it’s football practice later in the evening. There is little chance of me having dinner at the same time every day for example, so if I didn’t go with the flow life would feel very challenging for me.

The second scenario is that life rarely goes exactly as planned and unexpected situations can disrupt our daily routines. Working in HR for a global business can throw in unexpected meetings when someone from the US needs some urgent advice later in the evening. This isn’t a regular occurrence but I have found myself squeezing in calls between the end of the day and before we head out to football practice so dinner becomes something very quick and easy.

Instead of becoming frustrated or disheartened in these situations, I have practiced embracing flexibility. Acknowledge that sometimes circumstances are beyond our control and we need adapt accordingly. The key is to stay open-minded and seek alternative solutions.

Assess Your Options

If you had planned to do something and it’s looking unlikely to happen then, instead of feeling discouraged, shift your mindset and adapt your life to accommodate your current circumstances. Fro example, if you had planned to go to the gym after work why not consider working out at home instead. It can be an excellent alternative that allows you to stay active and maintain your fitness goals. Explore online workout classes, invest in basic equipment in case you can’t always get to the gym, and create a designated space for your home workouts. Remember, consistency and effort matter more than the location.

Practice Mindful Eating and Acceptance

While striving for a healthy diet is important, it's crucial to practice self-compassion and understand that it's not always possible to eat perfectly. Again, life takes over and disrupts our plans. Instead of beating yourself up for occasional indulgences or moments of less-than-ideal food choices, focus on overall balance and mindful eating. Make informed decisions when it comes to your meals, opt for nourishing foods whenever possible, and savour each bite mindfully. Allow yourself the freedom to enjoy treats in moderation, guilt-free.

The Importance of Hydration

When life is being turned upside down, your plans change and you haven’t achieve half of what you wanted, remember to keep hydrated. Carrying a water bottle with you wherever you go is such a small thing but will mean your day isn’t completely derailed. Water is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Make hydration a priority in your daily routine. Keeping a water bottle nearby and sipping throughout the day can keep you adequately hydrated. Infuse your water with fruits or herbs to add flavor and make it more enticing. Remember that small, consistent efforts to drink water can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing.

Cultivate Happiness and Reduce Stress

In the pursuit of making life work for you, it's essential to prioritise your happiness and manage stress as effectively as you can. Approaching your day with a smile on your face and a positive outlook will get things off to a good start. Schedule in activities that bring you joy and help you unwind, such as spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness or meditation, pursuing hobbies, or connecting with loved ones. Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on yourself to achieve perfection in every aspect of life. Instead, focus on creating a balanced and fulfilling life that aligns with your values and brings you happiness. My happy place is the beach so if I do nothing else but take a short stroll along the beach with the pup I’m very happy. This doesn’t happen every day, I very often tell people that life has taken over. Do these things as often as you can to make you happy.

Set Realistic Expectations

It's important to set realistic expectations for ourselves to avoid unncesessary stress and pressure. Recognise that life is a journey, and it's okay to have ups and downs. It will have ups and downs. Embrace the idea of progress rather than perfection. Set achievable goals, break them down into smaller steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way. Remember, life is about learning, growing, and finding joy in the process.

Life is a beautiful and complex journey and unexpected turns. It's crucial to remember that we are human, we only have one shot at life and it’s on us to make the best of it. Throw away the ideas of perfection, the negativity when you don’t achieve it and simply embrace happiness and positivity with both hands.

As I navigate each decade my priorities have changed. My desires have changed. My life overall has changed. I have different responsibilities. Different demands on my time. And that is ok. As my son gets older and I head into my 40’s I know that will life will change again. Whilst the thought brings my some sadness I am learning how to make the most of every situation I find myself in.

Embrace the journey, be kind to yourself, and make choices that align with your values and bring you joy. You deserve a life that works for you.


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