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Friend at Work

In April, I started a new adventure with a Fixed Term Contract, joining a global business that was being supported by a wonderful lady and a couple of HR Administrators. We clicked instantly, and she quickly became my go-to person for advice and guidance. However, just a few months later, she decided to move on from the company. Losing her felt like losing a friend, and I knew things would never quite be the same. Now, as I sit here in July, I can confirm that her absence has indeed left a void. She knew an incredible amount about the business, making her departure even harder.

Back in the early stages of my career, I once took on a stand-alone role, reporting to a HR Manager who was located in London while I was based in Birmingham. Though I have immense respect for any individual in a stand alone role, I canโ€™t help but feel it might be a solitary journey at times. Having a friend at work proved to be invaluable for me, and it highlighted the significance of building a supportive network, especially when you’re the sole member of the HR team. Finding a community where you can connect with other HR professionals and form meaningful friendships can make a world of difference in the often dynamic and challenging world of HR.

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