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Taking a Break

I had booked annual leave for next week, and I was looking forward to it. But at the start of this week I told my boss that I needed to take this week off. I spend enough time talking to people about recognising the signs of stress and burnout, and preaching about prioritising your wellbeing that I need to sit up and listen to my own body this week.

I know I have felt something similar to this in my younger years and I ploughed on and carried working and working and proved not to be good for me. As Iโ€™ve gotten older and yes, definitely wiser I am more in tune with my mind and body and I know that at the end of the day everyone is replaceable. I wonโ€™t put any business before my own wellbeing and mental health.

Iโ€™ve woken up with a headache so I know I need to take it easy today. I plan on going for a walk in the woods with Honey (our Bichon Frise) and Lucas and also making sure I drink lots of water. Apart from that Iโ€™m โ€˜going with the flowโ€™ and seeing where the day takes me, which is very unlike me!

What does relaxing look like for you?

I have to say, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m very good at relaxing. My mind is always on the go. I like to read, not necessarily books, but consume information. Whether Iโ€™m reading news articles, posts on LinkedIn, whatever it may be, my mind is always active. Iโ€™ve been enjoying thinking about ELEVATE and what content I want to create (and I hope this new blog is valuable and will maybe give you some food for thought).

So the way that I relax is do nothing. I mean, literally sit and stare into space. No phone, no tv, no conversation, no nothing. Just left with my thoughts. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll ever be able to shut them out but it gives me an opportunity to process everything in my head. So there will hopefully be some of that happening today too!

A touch of woo wooโ€ฆ

This is something completely separate that happened this morning that I wanted to share. I was reading a news article and the guy I was reading about was really inspiring. He had contracted polio at a very young age and had spent his entire life in an iron lung. I thought, well if he can get through what he has, I can survive this time Iโ€™m going through. Iโ€™d never even heard of an iron lung so was hugely fascinated to learn more. I then googled him and clicked another article. This article explained that he had fallen in love once and the girl he fell in love with was called Claire. I thought, that’s a crazy coincidence. I carried on reading and he became a lawyer on the same date as my birthday.

I genuinely believe the universe has a way of sending signs and this may have just been one of them. Iโ€™d love to hear if you are open to these kind of messages.

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